Work in Progress since 2023

Hello! I'm the webmaster & creator of this site! I go by many names both online & offline, but I'm mostly known as Ashe (a.k.a. SnowWood) in most
of my circles. I'm a currently enrolled in college with an affinity for old video games, retro tech, & a number of multiple other interests. I hope this little sections can give you a little idea about myself & my interests!

Steam in Windows XP, right? (Mockup of Dubious Origins)

My main hobby is gaming, which I was introduced to at a very younge age thanks to my mother. From that, I grew an attachment to enjoy gaming-related web content back in the late 2000s, which molded me into the person i am today! Even though I spend a lot of my time with old video games, my love for them truly blossomed when I began importing games from Japan back in 2021, with my buddy Jonathan introducing me to it. I've got a sizable collection of games I love & cherish, and almost every console I could ever want (with the exception to a working Super Famicom, tragic!). My love is so huge, I accidentally extended that to my girlfriend!

My playlist of Video I've Worked On, screenshot taken on Windows XP

I'm also a video editor! My mother introduced me to it back in 2012 & I've basically taken it as my main form of getting any cash as of 2020. Even though I'm still rather amateurish, I'm happy with my improvements as I've gone to editing web videos for my friends here & there, alongside my own content.

Blender in Windows XP, right? (Mockup of Dubious Origins)

My major work nowadays, however, is 3D animation. I taught myself how to animate in Blender during a depressive episode, which I've now taken in pride. Most people recognize me for my "Earthbound 64" animation work, which you can see for yourself in the dedicated Earthbound 64 section on my site!

I hope you enjoy your time in my site! It's made with a lot of love & care! ^w^
About Site    
Webmaster's Corner    
  The Works
Animations & Renders    
Web Videos    
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VG Road Trip    
Earthbound 64    
SEGA Saturn Shrine    
Sonic Team Shrine    
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